The First High School Hackathon for Hamiltonian Students

November 23, 2024 • 8 AM - 8 PM
In-person @ McMaster University

About Us

Welcome to HammerHacks where technology is the new steel! Join us for a 12-hour, in-person hackathon, featuring 150 students, where you can create and showcase tech projects, learn from informative workshops, and connect with fellow tech enthusiasts and industry leaders. Participate to win exciting prizes and awards, and engage in fun activities.

At HammerHacks, we're more than just a hackathon; we are a group of Hamiltonian students passionate about technology and innovation. Our mission is to inspire Hamilton's youth to engage and participate actively in STEM-related opportunities, both within our community and beyond. Our vision is to empower future Hamiltonian programmers, engineers, scientists, and startup CEOs create groundbreaking technology.

Learn, collaborate, and innovate as we add glamour to the Hammer!


McMaster Engineering



7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Check-In & Welcome Activities Kick off the day with check-in and team-building activities.
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM Opening Ceremonies Welcome to all participants! Let's get energized
8:15 AM - 8:20 AM Keynote Address Hear from Colin Gagich, Co-Founder and CEO, Inference Labs
8:20 AM - 9:20 AM Workshop #1: Getting Started with Web Development Learn web development with Dave Smith-Hayes, Software Development Manager, Mabel's Labels
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Icebreaker Activity Get to know your fellow hackers!
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Workshop #2: Let's Make a Multiplayer Game Together! Make a game with Adam Stirtan, Founder, ClassZoo
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Hacking Begins! Put your ideas into action—let the coding commence!
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch & Networking Enjoy a meal while connecting with other participants.
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Hacking Continues! Keep working and innovating on your projects, and enjoy fun mini activities along the way, with prizes to be won.
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Dinner Take a break to refuel.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Hacking Concludes! Wrap up your projects and prepare for presentations.
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Judging & Project Viewing Showcase your hard work to our judges!
7:30 PM - 7:45 PM Top 3-5 Project Presentations Hear pitches from the best projects of the day.
7:45 PM - 8:00 PM Winners Announcement & Closing Ceremonies Celebrate your achievements and conclude the event!


Peter George Centre for Living and Learning @ McMaster University

(1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada)


A hackathon is a social coding marathon where students come together and collaborate to code, design, and present amazing software and technology.

Anyone over 13 enrolled in a secondary school in the Hamilton-Wentworth region can participate. Please contact us if you attend a school outside the Hamilton-Wentworth region, but live within it.

Not at all! HammerHacks is open to students of all skill levels. We'll offer mentors and workshops to support your project, making it a perfect opportunity to quickly learn new skills. Just be sure to come with a passion and enthusiasm for learning!

You can make a website, app, game, or any project that involves coding.

You can work alone, or with a team of up to 3 people! You can team up with participants from any school or experience level. Teams can be formed either before the event or during the hackathon—it's entirely up to you.

HammerHacks is completely free to attend!

Lunch, dinner, and snacks will be provided!

Please bring your laptop, charger, water bottle and school photo ID.

HammerHacks will be held in Room 127 at the Peter George Centre for Living and Learning (PGCLL) at McMaster University.

You will have the opportunity to learn from our coding workshops, work on exciting projects, meet fellow techies, engage in fun activities, and more.

Still have questions?

Reach out to us at

The Team

Co-Founders and Lead Organizers

  • William Cagas

    William Cagas

    St. Thomas More CSS

  • Aneek Mukherjee

    Aneek Mukherjee

    Saltfleet District SS

Development Team

  • William Kang

    William Kang

    Software Development Lead

    Western University (Orchard Park SS Graduate)

  • Ayomide Abraham

    Ayomide Abraham

    Software Developer

    Saltfleet District SS

  • Ethan Tran

    Ethan Tran

    Software Developer

    Saltfleet District SS

Logistics Team

  • Jasmine Montrichard

    Jasmine Montrichard

    Logistics Lead

    St. Jean de Brebeuf CSS

  • Maisy Thomas

    Maisy Thomas

    Logistics Coordinator

    St. Mary CSS

Operations Team

  • Selena Nguyen

    Selena Nguyen

    Operations Lead

    Orchard Park SS

  • Chayanth Suthahar

    Chayanth Suthahar

    Operations Coordinator

    Orchard Park SS

  • Michael Xiao

    Michael Xiao

    Operations Coordinator

    Hillfield Strathallan College

Marketing Team

  • Kayla Sodergard

    Kayla Sodergard

    Marketing Lead

    Bishop Ryan CSS

  • Mikael Gomez

    Mikael Gomez

    Marketing Coordinator

    St. Thomas More CSS

Finance Team

  • Julia Vu

    Julia Vu

    Finance Coordinator

    Waterdown District SS

Contact Us

For any inquiries, please email us at

Follow us on social media!

Made with by the HammerHacks Development Team

Our website and finances are open

HammerHacks is fiscally sponsored by The Hack Foundation (d.b.a. Hack Club), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 81-2908499)